A Constitutional Audit: Checking Up on GOVT
What is a Republic?
The Grand Jury & The Constitution
What Can We The People Do To Restore The Foundations?
Why Did The Founders Prohibit Titles Of Nobility?
Abortion in the Supreme Court
*The Bill of Rights*
Private Morality
Administrative Law Constitutional
Eighth Amendment
*Restriction of Excessive Bail
& Cruel and Unusual Punishment*
Impeachment? Constitution?
What Should the Role of Church be in Civil Body Politic
The Powers of The President
9th Amendment Secures Our God-Given Rights
Precedent or Stare Decisis
Why A Living Constitution Is Dangerous
A Piece of Cake and the First Amendment
Article 1 Section 8
Monetary Powers
*Federal Reserve and Counterfeiting*
18th Amendment
12th Amendment
Definition of Government
Right to Petition for Redress of Grievances
Necessity of 2nd Amendment to Preserve Liberty
What is Socialism?
20th Amendment
Replay of 12-15-17
Article 1 Section 9
What is a Constitution?
Constitutional Analysis Series
*Article 1 Section 3*
Composition of the Senate
13th Amendment
Duty of The Jury - Defend The Constitution
Importance Of Understanding History
*Mueller Report*
*Article 1 Section 8 PART II*
17th Amendment
*Meaning of Words Can't Be Changed*
Government Tyrany
Second Amendment
19th Amendment
Labor and The Free Market System
Christmas & Constitution
16th Amendment
Seventh Amendment
Anchor Babies
FDR's New Bill of Rights
Four Jurisdictions of Government
Article 4 Section 3&4
Election Through the Lens of the Constitution
HealthCare & The Constitution
The Darwinization of Law in America
Money and the Constitution
15th Amendment
Historical Roots of Our Freedom
Article 5 - Amendment
Constitutional Analysis Series
*Article 1 Section 8 PART I*
Congressional Powers
Why Written Constitutions Are Necessary
Constitutional Analysis Series
*Article 1 Section 2*
House of Representatives
Law Schools Seeking to Destroy the Constitution