Carla & Company
Carla & Co.
Jim Agresti
Paul Engel
LTC Criag Bird
PA Sen. Bob Mensch
George Matzo
Elena Maria Lopez
*Spy Site*
Florida Lt. Governer Jennifer Carroll
Helen Raleigh
(830) Keeping It Real
Dr. Chris Rohrbach
Tim Liebig
Chuck Christenson
Silih Hudayar
*East Turkestan Ambassador to U.S.*
Russ Jones - Executive Producer
*Abide App*
LTC Craig Bird
PA Rep. Paul Schemel
Dr. Chris Rohrbach
LTC Craig Bird
Dr. Feyi Obamahinti
David Arthur
All In - Art Kardos
LTC. Craig Bird
PA. Rep. Frank Ryan
Neil Herman
Chris Rohrbach
LTC Craig Bird
Michael P. Tremoglie
Gregory Wrightstone
*The Truth About Climate Change*
Carla & Company
LTC Craig Bird
PA Senator, Bob Mensch
Chris Tremoglie
*The Left's Tactics*
Michael Tremoglie
*Communism Infiltration of DNC*
Harold and Tina Lewis
Bruce Ashford
Joseph Pinion
Chris Maxwell
*Montco Candidates*
Nancy Quinn-Marsden for Prothonotary
Vicki Lightcap for Recorder of Deeds
(7:30) Host: Kim Kennedy
*Montco Candidates*
Tracey Moss-Carfagno for Clerk of Courts
AnnaMarie Scannapieco for Coroner
LTC Craig Bird
*11-5-19 Candidates*
Art Kardos
*Reversing the Curse*
LTC. Craig Bird
Tirzah Duran
Kanjana Hartshorn
*Healing Hearts Wellness*
Stan Casacio
Vicki Lightcap
Nancy Becker
Anna Marie Scannapieco
Bill Lawrence
Paul Engle
Karen Lugo
*Census Citizenship Questions*
George Carneal
Texas Public Policy Foundation
*Illegal Immigration*
LTC. Craig Bird
Mike G.
Phil Duffy
*PA Redistricting*
Ryan Lovelace
*Kavanaugh Book*
(8:30) Kim Kennedy
Roger Simon
*The GOAT*
LTC. Craig Bird
PA. Sen. Bob Mensch
*Budget & Health Care*
Judge Jeannine Pirro
*New Book*
George Whitehair
*Digital Estate*
All In - Art Kardos
David Thomas Roberts
Josh Bernstein
Andrew Langer
Tom Shepstone
Pastor Mike Anthony
Carla & Co.
LTC. Craig Bird
PA Rep. Matt Dowling
Art Kardos
*The Authority of the Believer*
Jeff Clayton
Dr. Rick Saccone
*Our Godly Heritage*
Carla & Co.
*Secrets of the Secret Service*
Zilvinas Selenas
*F.E.E - Student Loan Debt*
Elaine Beck
*Blessings Through Action*
Juanita Broderick
Arch Hunter
Dr. Chris Rohrbach
All In - Art Kardos
Carla & Company
Art Kardos - All In
Jim Agresti
Joe Campisi
(8:00) Don't Back Down
Stan Casacio
Vicki Lightcap
Jim Agresti
LTC Craig Bird
PA Rep. Marcy Toepel
(147th District)
Alveda King
Dr. Chris Rohrbach
LTC Craig Bird
Anna Marie Scannapieco
LTC Craig Bird
Fred Conner
Brian Kennedy
Vicki Lightcap
John Tamny
Carla & Co.
Leslie Morgan
All In - Art Kardos
Joe Campisi
Greg Wrightstone
Stan Casacio
Vicki Lightcap
LTC. Craig Bird
*Republicans Reinventing Government*
Art Kardos - All In
Damon West
Cassie Dalmas
Tina Sipp
*African Childrens Choir*
Rep. Greg Chaney
Dr. Chris Rohrbach
Bill Hannah
Carla & Co.
All In - Art Kardos
Carla & Company
1-8-19 8 AM
Art Kardos - All In
Daniel McCaughan
Laura Loomer
Melissa Fleischut
President, NY Restaurant Association Expo
Jim LaGanke
CEO, Stewarts All-American Corperation
Carla & Co.
LTC Craig Bird
*Counting the Cost
Making the Difference*
Jim Stuber
Carly Meyers
(7:00) Tim Liebig
Alain Ghiai, CEO - Globe-X
(7:30) Financially Fit
Joe Campisi
Stan Casacio
Vicki Lightcap
Jeffery Lord
All In - Art Kardos
Steve Davees
Al Regnery
*Author/Publisher of Unlikely Pligrim*
Leo Knepper
David Osborne
*Fairness Center*
Mark Hancock
Jessie Jane Duff
Dr. Chris Rohrbach
Pastor Mike Anthony
Brady Rennix
Curt Flewelling
All In - Art Kardos