The Law Matters 11-15-19

Michael Giaramita

Dr. Gianni Pirelli

*Psychology, Mental Health & Firearms*

The Law Matters 5-17-19

Michael Giaramita

The Law Matters 5-31-19

Michael Giaramita

Ed Moye

*Protecting Our Places of Worship*

the law matters


mike giaramita esquire


The Law Matters 3-15-19

Michael Giaramita

*2020 Without Trump PART II*

The Law Matters 3-22-19

Michael Giaramita

The Law Matters 3-13-20

Michael Giaramita

The Law Matters 7-12-19

Michael Giaramita

*National Train-A-Teacher Day*

The Law Matters 12-13-19

Michael Giaramita

The Law Matters 1-18-19

Michael Giaramita

The Law Matters 4-12-19

Michael Giaramita

The Law Matters 2-14-20

Michael Giaramita

The Law Matters 2-8-19

Michael Giaramita

Dan Caverge

The Law Matters 12-14-18


*The Border Wall*

The Law Matters 11-1-19

Michael Giaramita

Frank Serrao - US Law Shield, CA

John Dillon, Esquire

(Watch Video Here)

The Law Matters 9-20-19

Michael Giaramita

Major Allen Kyle

*National African American Gun Association*

The Law Matters 2-22-19

Michael Giaramita

Anthony Robertson

Michael Moore

Eric Weborg

​Dom Leon

*Veterans' Issues*


The Law Matters 11-30-18


Legally Owning Firearms

*Rights & Responsibilities*

The Law Matters 5-1-20

Michael Giaramita

​​Philly Chris

The Law Matters 6-7-19

Michael Giaramita

PA Rep. Frank Ryan

​Cpl. Todd Hoover

The Law Matters 9-13-19

Michael Giaramita

Chris Demeo

Dr. Val Finnell

*Gun Owners of America*

The Law Matters 11-8-19

Michael Giaramita

Frank Serrao - US Law Shield, CA

John Dillon, Esquire

(Watch Video Here)

The Law Matters 1-25-20

Michael Giaramita

The Law Matters

Self-Updating Playlist

The Law Matters 4-19-19

Michael Giaramita

The Law Matters 5-3-19

Michael Giaramita

The Law Matters 7-19-19

Michael Giaramita

*Round Table - Round II*

The Law Matters 5-8-20

Michael Giaramita

​​Philly Chris

The Law Matters 2-21-20

Michael Giaramita

The Law Matters 3-6-20

Michael Giaramita

The Law Matters 1-31-20

Michael Giaramita

The Law Matters 2-1-19

Michael Giaramita

The Law Matters 4-26-19

Michael Giaramita

*Fire Arms Registration Act*


The Law Matters 12-27-19

Michael Giaramita

The Law Matters 2-15-19

Michael Giaramita

The Law Matters 8-2-19

Michael Giaramita

The Law Matters 10-4-19

Michael Giaramita

Jeff Jubin

*US Law Shield, NJ*


The Law Matters 12-7-18


*Awareness of Gun Laws*

The Law Matters 10-25-19

Michael Giaramita

Tom Stevens, Prolife Union

Eric Weborg, Esq.

The Law Matters 3-1-19

Michael Giaramita

*Cohen, Korea, Constitutional Carry*

The Law Matters 11-23-18



The Law Matters 1-17-20

Michael Giaramita

The Law Matters 4-24-20

Michael Giaramita

​​Philly Chris

The Law Matters 5-15-20

Michael Giaramita

​​Philly Chris

The Law Matters 3-8-19

Michael Giaramita

*2020 Without Trump PART I*

The Law Matters 4-10-20

Michael Giaramita

​Philly Chris

The Law Matters 6-14-19

Michael Giaramita

Greg Hopkins - Author

Time to Kill: Myth of Christian Pacifism

The Law Matters 7-5-19

Michael Giaramita

*Round Table*

The Law Matters 9-27-19

Michael Giaramita

Philly Chris

​Chauncey Howard

The Law Matters 10-11-19

Michael Giaramita

*Callers Special*

The Law Matters 3-29-19

Michael Giaramita

The Law Matters 3-27-20

Michael Giaramita

The Law Matters 7-26-19

Michael Giaramita

The Law Matters 12-6-19

Michael Giaramita

The Law Matters 12-28-18


*A Report Card for President Trump*

The Law Matters 8-23-19

Michael Giaramita

The Law Matters 5-22-20

Michael Giaramita

​​Philly Chris

The Law Matters 6-28-19

Michael Giaramita

*Caller Special*

The Law Matters 5-24-19

Michael Giaramita

The Law Matters 4-17-20

Michael Giaramita

​​Philly Chris

The Law Matters 1-25-19

Michael Giaramita

Rocco Larocca


The Law Matters 6-21-19

Michael Giaramita

Corp. Todd Hoover - PA State Police

Rocco LaRocca - ROC Training

The Law Matters 12-21-18


*Political Bias in Education*

The Law Matters 10-18-19

Michael Giaramita

The Law Matters 1-4-19

Michael Giaramita

The Law Matters 4-3-20

Michael Giaramita