All In - Art Kardos
Michael Anthony
Fred Lucas - Heritage Foundation - White House Correspondent
*Kavanaugh hearings*
Jim Roberts - Heritage Foundation
Fred Lucas, White House Correspondent for The Daily Signal; the Heritage Foundation
(7:30) Walter Geis and Richard Junod
Family Fully Alive Festival
Biblically Speaking - Ken Souder
All In - Art Kardos
Dinesh D"Souza regarding book & film: Death of a Nation
(8:30) George Landreth,
.President, Frontiers of Freedom Institute
All In with Art Kardos
All In - Art Kardos
The Point with Clay Breece
All In - Art Kardos
*Battle of Trenton*
All In - Art Kardos
IT'S A NEW DAY!--Interview with Steve Davies, PA Legislative Director for Convention of States Project &
Leo Knepper, CEO Citizens' Alliance of PA
Dale Kearns, U.S.Senate Candidate
Christopher Wright, Clara Sevor, Anna Erman
Roundtable Discussion on socialism/communism
Bill Federer
Your Family Matters - Carla D'Addesi
Carla & Company
All In - Art Kardos
Pastor Michael Anthony
Stan Hess - US Hot Air Balloon Team
Joe Campisi
*Income sources After Retirement*
Brian Maloney
Co-Founder Media Equality Project
(7:30) Elena Maria Lopez
*Immigration Fraud*
Lowman Henry
PA Leadership Conference 10/26/18 in King of Prussia
Keeping It Real - Dr. Christopher Rohrbach
(6:30) Hope 9-to-5
Bob Dick
(7:30) Dan Perkins
Jerry Newcombe
Carla & Co.
All In - Art Kardos
Pastor Steve Gruen
Kim Kennedy
Clay Breece - Berks County GOP Chairman
(8:30) Keeping it Real - Dr. Chris Rohrbach
Sscott Adams
Robert Spencer, Author & Director of Jihad Watch
(7:30) Brian Maloney, Co-Founder/Editor-in-Chief Media Equality Project
All In - Art Kardos
12-18-18 7:30 AM
Vanessa Howard
Biblically Speaking - Ken Souder
Carla & Co.
D.C Report
Jim Agresti
THE POINT with Clay Breece - Berks County GOP Chairman
PA Senator Bob Mensch
Annette Baker - Climate Change Pundit
Debbie Wright - From Liberty to Captivity
(8:30) Keeping It Real with Dr. Christopher Rohrbach
Interview with Dr. Henry Bulitta, Veritas Health Analytics
(8:30) Interview with Larry Denver, Faith & Family Coalition of PA
All In - Art Kardos
All In - Art Kardos
Dan David - Congressional Candidate, PA new 4th District
(8:30) Al Perrotta Managing Editor, "The Stream"
Bruce Wood - Creation Research
(7:30) Danny Yohannan
*Gospel for Asia and the Persecuted Church*
All In - Art Kardos
All In - Art Kardos
David Arthur
Jim Agresti
Jane Taylor Toal
10/4/18 Town Hall Mtg., KOP, 7-9 pm
(7:30) Pastor Steve Gruen
Kim Kennedy
Carris Kocher
All In - Art Kardos
Nicolee Ambrose
The Point - Clay Breese
Your Family Matters - Carla D' Addesi
(6:30) D.C Report
Biblically Speaking - Ken Souder
All In - Art Kardos
Biblically Speaking - Ken Souder
Art Kardos - All In
Art Kardos - All In
Financially Fit - Joe Campisi
Julie Roys
Jim Roberts--Heritage Foundation
Tom Harris
Carla & Company
Pastor Mike Anthony
Dr. Calvin Beisner
Jim Agresti - Just Facts
Art Kardos - All In